Student Services

Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Kardash are our Learning Services Teachers. They support students and staff by

  • creating Individualized Education Plans for students with additional learning and support needs
  • providing individual and small group literacy and numeracy instruction
  • collaborating with classroom teachers, school based team members, parents, and outside agencies to support student success
  • tiered assessment including universal curriculum-based assessment, targeted standardized achievement assessment and referrals for intensive pycho-educational assessment
  • overseeing support provided by Education Assistants  
  • providing language assessment and learning activities to students whose first language is not English, in order to develop their English language and literacy skills
  • helping English language learners to achieve the expected learning outcomes of the provincial curriculum


Shelly Moore's website:



District Notice

Online engagement dates

Each year, as part of a continuous improvement cycle, Rocky Mountain School District develops an operational plan that outlines the goals and strategies that will be the focus of the work for the upcoming year. This plan is guided by the current 4-year strategic plan using a variety of student data as the foundation for decision making, schools develop school success plans that identifies targets for improving student learning.

Join the District online to hear more about the draft 2024-25 Operational Plan.

April 30 at 10-11am

May 1 at 7-8pm

May 10 at 1-2pm

Follow the link for more information and Teams link