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Welcome Back!

Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year! 

The office is open this week (August 21 - 25)  and next week (August 28 - September 1) from 8:30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Lady Grey Elementary School would like to welcome new Vice Principal, Mr. Jamie Beauchamp. Mr. Beauchamp has relocated to Golden after spending several years as Principal at Holy Trinity Academy in Drayton Valley. Mr. Beauchamp will be teaching Grade 6/7.

We have some staffing changes to share with you. Lady Grey would like to welcome Mme Siobhan McKaigney (Grade 6/7 French Immersion), Ms. Amy Whitaker (Learning Services) and Ms. Jordanne Hambleton (Elementary School Counselor).

Also, we would like to welcome the following staff members back to Lady Grey: Mrs. Chaluck (Grade 4), Mme Lambert (Grade 6/7 French Immersion), Mme Wilson (Grade 5 French Immersion) and Mr. Richard (who will be teaching one day a week opposite Ms. Vaillancourt in Grade 6/7).

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 5th. School will be in session from 10am -12pm. Buses will be picking up students one hour later than normal in the morning, and will be departing LGES at 12:15pm to return students home. On this day, students will be returning to their class from last year, and grade 4 students will meet in the gym.

Our first full day of school is on Wednesday, September 6th. School starts at 9am and we dismiss at 3:04pm. Lunch is from 12:06pm - 1:06pm.

We are excited see everyone!

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